Brian Isetts, PhD, BCPS, FAPhA

Brian Isetts

7-125c Weaver-Densford Hall
Minneapolis, MN 55455
United States

Dr. Isetts' field of expertise is in the scholarship of caring, specifically studying the outcomes of medication therapy management services provided in integrated, team-based care settings. Research interests focus on the exchange of electronic health information to redesign the nation's medication use system. Also served as Co-Investigator on a three-year National Library of Medicine HIT grant titled, "Semantic Relatedness for Active Medication Safety and Outcomes," and served as a Health Policy Fellow at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Innovations in Washington, D.C.



  • Alternate CPT Representative for Pharmacy (Pharmacy HIT Collaborative), American Medical Association, Current Procedural Terminology Advisory Panel
  • Chairman, Workgroup 1-CPT Coding, Pharmacy Health Information Technology Collaborative
  • Member, CMS Part D MTM Program Technical Expert Panel
  • Member, Pharmacy Quality Alliance – University of Minnesota Representative


Awards & Recognition

  • Hubert H. Humphrey Award recognizing major contributions in government and/or legislative service, American Pharmacists Association, 2015
  • Peter P. Lamy Memorial Lecture Award, Signature research presentation,  2015
  • University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy, Samuel F. Melendy Lecture Award, 2013
  • University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, College of Pharmacy, Philip and Ethel Ashby Distinguished Lecture Award, 2007
  • Bowl of Hygeia Award, Minnesota Pharmacists Association, 2005
  • Jacob W. Miller Award, American Pharmacists Association-Foundation, 2005
  • Pinnacle Award – APhA-Foundation Quality Center, 2004


Professional Associations

  • American Pharmacists Association
  • Wisconsin Pharmacy Alumni Association
  • Minnesota Pharmacists Association
  • American Society of Consultant Pharmacists
  • American Pharmacists Association
  • American College of Clinical Pharmacy
  • American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
  • American Society of Health-System Pharmacists
  • International Pharmaceutical Federation


Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Care & Health Systems

Affiliate Faculty, Institute for Health Informatics

Affiliate Faculty, PRIME Institute

Clinical Titles: Consultant pharmacist, Glenhaven, Inc., Skilled Nursing Facility, Glenwood City, WI.
Consultant pharmacist, Spring Valley Health Care Center, Spring Valley, WI.

Fellowship, Pharmaceutical Clinical Scientist program, Kellogg Foundation Fellow

PhD, University of Minnesota (Social and Administrative Pharmacy), 1985

B. Sci. University of Wisconsin (Pharmacy) 1979

Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist, Board of Pharmaceutical Specialties


Fellow - American Pharmacists Association, Academy of Pharmaceutical Research and Science

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Research Summary/Interests

  • Team-based health care
  • Patient-centered health homes
  • Accountable care organizations
  • Drug-related morbidity and mortality
  • Clinical decision support
  • Effectiveness of health care teams in redesigning the U.S. medication use system
  • Evaluation of pharmacists contributions to improving care transitions and reducing readmissions
  • The scholarship of learning in interprofessional education and practice


  • Isetts BJ, Buffington DE, Carter BL, et. al. Pharmacother.
    Evaluation of pharmacist work in a collaborative model for hypertension. Pharmacotherapy, 2016.
  • Isetts BJ, Brummel AR, Ramalho de Oliveira D, and Moen DW.Managing drug-related morbidity and mortality in a patient-centered medical home. Med Care. 2012: 50;997-1001.
  • Wagner D, Isetts BJ.Choosing to use the most powerful model in the world. Am J Hlth-syst Pharm. 2014: 71:1128-35.
  • Isetts BJ.Pharmaceutical care, MTM, & payment: past, present, & future.Ann Pharmacother.
    2012: 46;S47-S56.
  • Isetts BJ.Engaging in rapid cycle innovation.Am J Pharm Educ.2012: 76 (3); Art. 37
  • Isetts BJ, Brummel A, Oliviera DR, Moen D. Integration of medication therapy management services into care system redesign. Minn. Phys. Showcase competition award. 2010; 9:20.
  • Cooke CE, Isetts BJ, Sullivan TE, Belletti D, and Fustgaard M. Potential value of electronic prescribing in health economic and outcomes research. Patient Rel. Outcome Meas. 2010; 1:1-16.
  • Isetts BJ, Schondelmeyer SW, Artz MB, Lenarz LA, Heaton AH, Wadd WB, Brown LB, and Cipolle RJ. Clinical and economic outcomes of medication therapy management services: The Minnesota experience. J Am Pharm Assoc. 2008; 48:203-11.
  • Isetts BJ, Buffington DE. CPT code-change proposal: National data on pharmacists' medication therapy management services. J Am Pharm Assoc. 2007; 47:491-95
  • Isetts BJ, Schondelmeyer SW, Heaton AH, Wadd WB, Hardie NA and Artz MB. Effects of collaborative drug therapy management on patients' perceptions of care and health-related quality of life. Res Soc & Adm Pharm. 2006; 2:129-42.
  • Isetts BJ, Brown LM, Schondelmeyer SW, Lenarz LA. Quality assessment of a collaborative approach for decreasing drug-related morbidity and achieving therapeutic goals. Arch Intern Med. 2003; 163:1813-20.