Stuart Speedie, PhD, FACMI
- Fellow, American College of Medical Informatics, elected 2008
- Rufus A. Lyman Award from the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy for the Outstanding Article in the American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, (with Dr. David Roffman and Dr. Diane Tobias), 1980
Professor, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
Core Faculty, Institute for Health Informatics (IHI)
PhD, Purdue University (Educational Research/Educational Psychology/Statistics and Measurement), 1973
MS, Purdue University (Educational Research/Psychological Statistics), 1970
BS, Purdue University (Computer Science), 1969
Research Summary/Interests
My research focuses on the impact of health information technologies on patient outcomes, provider perceptions and attitudes and organizational outcomes. It encompasses the technologies of health information exchange, telehealth and electronic prescribing. I am also heavily involved in the design of information systems to support clinical research in primary care settings.
- Finkelstein SM, Speedie SM, Zhou X, Ratner E, LeMire T, Valley K, Dahle L. Virtual Assisted Living Umbrella for the Elderly (VALUE): what the community thinks. Telemedicine and e Health 11: 246, 2005 Speedie SM, Davis D. J. Telehealth and the framework for health information technology. J Telemed Telecare. 2006:12 Supple2: S59-64.
- Krupinski E, Dimmick S, Grigsby J, Mogel G, Puskin D, Speedie S, Stamm B, Wakefield B, Whited J, Whitten P, Yellowlees P. Research recommendation for the America Telemedicine Association. Telemed J E Health 2006, Oct: 12(5): 579-89.
- Finkelstein SM, Speedie SM, Potthoff S. Home telehealth improves clinical outcomes at lower cost for home health care. Telemed J E Health. 2006 Apr;12(2):128-36.
- Kijsanayotin B, Pannarunothai S. Speedie S. Penetration and adoption of health information technology (IT) in Thailand’s community health centers (CHCs): a national survey. Medinfo. 2007; 12(Pt42): 1154-58.
- Afrin LB, Courtney KL, Demiris G, Goosen W. Lovis C, Lynch C, Sondhi M, Speedie S, Vimarlund V. Patient-centered application and mobile health: use of information technology to promote disease management and wellness. A White Paper by the AMIA Knowledge in Motion Working Group. JAMIA; 15(1), Jan/Feb 2008; 8-13.
- Speedie SM, Taweel A, Sim I, Arvanitis TN, Delaney B, Peterson KA. The primary care research object model (PCROM): A computable information model for practice-based primary care research. JAMIA; 15(5) Sept/Oct 2008, 661-670.
- Amusan AA, Tongen S, Speedie SM, Mellin A. A time-motion study to evaluate the impact of EMR & CPOE implementation on physician efficiency. JHIM; 22(4) Fall 2008, 31-38.
- Speedie SM, Ferguson S, Sanders J, Doarn C. Telehealth: The Promise of New Care Delivery Models. Telemed J E Health; 14(4), November 2008, 753-756.
- Kijsanayotin B, Pannarunothai S, Speedie SM. Factor influencing health information technology adoption in Thailand’s community health centers: Applying the UTAUT model. J. Med Info, In Press.