Changye Li
Degree Pursuing
Research Interests
Developing novel natural language processing methods on the health and medical domain.
Fun Facts
Kayaking, snowboarding, hiking and musicals.
Guo, Y., Li, C., Roan, C., Pakhomov, S., & Cohen, T. (2021). Crossing the “Cookie Theft” Corpus Chasm: Applying What BERT Learns From Outside Data to the ADReSS Challenge Dementia Detection Task. Frontiers in Computer Science, 3, 26.
Changye Li, Zachary Levonian, Haiwei Ma, and Svetlana Yarosh. 2018. Condition Unknown: Predicting Patients’ Health Conditions in an Online Health Community. In Companion of the 2018 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW ‘18). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 281–284.